Keep valuable possessions safe and secure this summer

The summer holidays are just a few weeks away and lots of us will soon be setting off for our much-needed annual summertime break. If you’re planning to be away from home for several weeks or just for a long weekend, have you considered what you’ll do with your valuables while you’re not around? Do [...]

2019-01-26T11:36:18+00:00June 20th, 2018|

A new breed of burglar

Houses in the London stockbroker belt of Chislehurst are falling victim to a new breed of breaking and entering called ‘spree-burglary' Thieves are monitoring their potential victims as they post images of their latest luxury purchases on social media. They then plan detailed attacks on the individual’s property where they threaten the inhabitants and the [...]

2019-01-26T11:52:04+00:00April 23rd, 2018|
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