Trump pulls the plug on INF treaty

President Trump has confirmed that the US will withdraw from a landmark nuclear weapons treaty with Russia stating that the country has violated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty for “many years” He has made his opinion on Russia’s behaviour very clear on several previous occasions and often asked why his predecessor, President Obama, [...]

2019-01-26T11:02:52+00:00October 22nd, 2018|

Do you want to survive a nuclear war?

It’s a question we often get asked here at The Panic Room Company! And everyone’s answer is different, depending on how your idea of how the world might be following a nuclear war. But it’s a very straight question and the answer is always either a definitive ‘yes’ or a resolute ‘no’, no-one ever seems [...]

2019-01-26T11:54:53+00:00April 20th, 2018|
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