Why add a Panic Room to your home?

Huge thanks tour French agent, Pascal Tenand, and the team at Breizh-info.com, an online magazine based in the west of France, for covering the topic of 'home jacking' and why investing in a panic room is such a good idea  https://www.breizh-info.com/2019/04/13/116147/securite-du-domicile-face-a-un-home-jacking-pourquoi-etablir-une-panic-room-chez-soi  

2019-04-16T13:12:49+01:00April 16th, 2019|

Meet Pascal…

Pascal Tenand is our new French agent and we’re delighted to have him on board! We caught up with Pascal to find out a bit more about the unique experience and knowledge he brings to the team. Back in the early 90s, Pascal spent several years with a Mabey & Johnson, a leading international provider [...]

2019-04-12T09:57:03+01:00April 8th, 2019|
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