In 2018 we published a news item detailing essentials for a nuclear shelter. This included a water dispenser, water barrels for waste, sleeping bags and mats, blankets, first aid kits, glow sticks and lanterns, a radio, and other items such as food.

However, in the event of a nuclear war, there are other items that may be helpful to keep in your nuclear shelter.

One of these is a dosimeter; these measuring devices detect and measure the radiation that you have been exposed to. Modern dosimeters can give a continuous readout of cumulative dose and current dose rate and can warn you when a specified dose or cumulative dose is exceeded. Dosimeters can be purchased online and are an essential piece of equipment to include in your nuclear shelter to ensure you stay safe after the event of a nuclear war.

Image by Robert Armstrong

Another important item to include is a CBRN kit. CBRN stands for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear and are important pieces of equipment used by the emergency services. In your CBRN kit, you can include protective clothing, protective masks, and decontamination and first-aid kits.

To find out more about nuclear shelters and how you could incorporate one on your property, contact us on +44 (0) 1709 730260 or email

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