With the recent war in Ukraine and Russia’s threats of nuclear war, we are getting more enquires about our nuclear shelters. However, what are the government doing to deter nuclear threats to the UK? According to gov.uk, the risk of nuclear conflict in the UK remains remote, but there are threats of nuclear warfare. The UK has a plan for nuclear disarmament, ensuring that we never allow other countries to threaten us with nuclear weapons, constrain decision-making, or sponsor nuclear terrorism.

The below graphic, prepared by NATO, compares Russia’s expanding arsenal with other NATO states.

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(Source: gov.uk)

Although Russia has an increasing variety of nuclear weapons, the UK does have several ways to protect itself from nuclear threats.

The Royal Navy maintains continuous at-sea deterrence ready to respond to any extreme threats to the UK, and we also have submarines on patrol with several days’ notice to fire. The UK also maintains only the minimum amount of nuclear weapons on purpose, to allow the state to remain credible and effective against any nuclear threats.

However, the UK government have also stated that they are deliberately ambiguous when it comes to discussing the scale of nuclear weapons. This ensures that the deterrent’s effectiveness is not undermined. They have also indicated that they would only use nuclear weapons in extreme circumstances and only for self-defence for the UK and its NATO allies.

To find out more about nuclear shelters and how you could incorporate one on your property, please contact us on +44 (0) 1709 730260 or email info@thepanicroomcompany.com.temp.link.