Since Russia declared war on Ukraine, we have seen a huge increase in enquires and consequent order for nuclear shelters here at The Panic Room Company.
In comparison to the same time last year, there has been a renewed demand and global interest in many of our products but particularly nuclear shelters.
Explains Paul Weldon, managing director of The Panic Room Company: “How we view the world has changed dramatically in the last few months. People are getting worried about the future and what it might hold. And that concern for personal safety and security is translating into consumers looking for ways to protect themselves and their families should the worst happen.
“That’s something we’re well versed in as we have been helping people to feel safe and secure in their own homes for many years with our panic rooms and safe rooms. The next step, of course, is the design and construction of a bespoke nuclear shelter or underground shelter.”
Continues Paul: “We have built several nuclear shelters for private clients in the last five years, but enquiries went through the roof when Russia invaded Ukraine in March. Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC) protection is now the name of the game and the only way to achieve this is with a nuclear shelter.”
To find out more about nuclear shelters and how you could incorporate one on your property, contact us on +44 (0) 1709 730260 or email