An odd title for a blog post you might think, but a relevant and understandable title right now as global political tensions remain extremely high.
The actual title of this blog post is the answer to the question on many people’s lips: how long will we have to prepare if a nuclear weapon is fired at the UK? About half an hour is, apparently, “the appropriate working premise” in this chillingly fascinating article featured in Shortlist
It also goes on to answer highly pertinent questions around where to shelter, will there be a mass evacuation? and even, what will the BBC do as the UK’s ‘emergency broadcaster’?
“A nuclear shelter in your own home is currently the ultimate in Cold War planning,” explains Paul Weldon, managing director of The Panic Room Company.
“We’ve had a record number of enquiries for the design, construction and installation of personal and residential nuclear shelters in the last 18 months. People are increasingly concerned for their safety and the safety of their family in a politically unstable world and our nuclear shelters can provide the very highest levels of protection in the event of a nuclear attack.”