A nuclear bunker in Pontefract, Yorkshire, designed to accommodate three people in the event of an attack, will be going up for auction later this month. The guide price is currently £15,000 to £20,000. The bunker has been restored to its original condition by the current owner.

The Royal Observer Corp (ROC) bunker is one of more than 1,500 monitoring posts built to protect volunteers who would measure blast waves and radioactive fallout in the event of an attack. The bunker originally would have contained enough food and water for 14 days, with it also containing communication facilities.

Photo credit: SDL Property Auctions

It is not stated whether the bunker is currently up to standards to withstand a nuclear attack; with so much interest in purchasing decommissioned nuclear bunkers, why not have a custom built one yourself within your own property? At The Panic Room Company, we custom design, manufacture, and build nuclear shelters to seamlessly fit into your current property or a new build. Please do not hesitate to contact us to find out more.

Source: BBC.co.uk